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 Fun on Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.

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Join date : 2010-08-27
Location : Kinmel Bay

Fun on Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. Empty
PostSubject: Fun on Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.   Fun on Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. EmptyTue Jan 03, 2012 10:27 pm

Hi Dudes

Been having a laugh with the
original Knights of the old Republic
with a mod that changes
Jolee into a Yoda!

Yes you read right a Yoda
it's funny on Kashyyyk
because all you can see
is a green lightsaber sticking
up out of the long grass.

this mod can be found on filefront
just type into the search engine
Knights of the old Republic Mods
once there look on the side bar
on the left under kotor- mods
and have look at whats there
but try the Jolee mod
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Fun on Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.
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